Fanficcer's Emporium

8/5/2005: Hi there. I know I haven't posted anything new here in a while, so I figured I'd start up a blog to let ya'll know what's up.

5/28/05: So... I only ever managed to post a few new pages. Sorry. I've been overwhelmed with work, but now I'm finally free for the summer (well besides working full-time). Anyway, I hope to have some new pages posted soon, so check back later!

2/9/05: Helloooo! Well, I promised I'd be updating sometime in February, right? Well, here I am! Some new stuff will be up soon... I've started a new semester, and I'm hoping to put up a few new pages while the work load is still small (today was only the 2nd day of class). So, check back soon and hopefully I'll have some new stuff!

12/7/2004: Well, tomorrow is my last day of classes for the semester, and you know what means... FINALS! So, I won't be updating for long time... sorry! I'll be working on new stories and other webpages over Winter break, so I'll be updating sometime in, oh, February! :-P Lol. Anyway, Happy Holidays to all, and I'll see ya in 2 months! ps... wish me luck!

11/13/2004: Started the new page, Random Stuff of the Week! Since I'm majoring in Neuroscience, this weeks random stuff is a basic biology tutorial. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do! Also, added a new short story... check it out!

11/12/2004: I've finally managed to convert to frames. I'll be doing some tweaking over the next couple of weeks, adding a link for a non-frames version of the page, and hopefully updating with some more poems. Check back soon!

11/10/2004: Alright, 30 poems up now... only 20 more to go! Also, all of the fanfiction links are now fixed, so please, enjoy!

11/6/2004: Hey there! I'm putting up separate pages for all of the poems... finally you won't be scrolling through a 100 page long webpage. I've only got 15 poems up so far... 35 more to go, so keep on checking back! Also, I've fixed the links to the fanfiction pages... enjoy!

What You'll Find Here: original short stories, poetry, and fanfiction from Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy X-2, Legend of Dragoon, Chrono Cross, and The Vampire Chronicles